Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.

Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic Coasts

Description (English)

Vegetated cliffs exhibit a complex pattern of variation reflecting the degree of maritime exposure, geology and geomorphology, biogeographical provenance and pattern of human management. Typically, on the most exposed cliffs there is a zonation from crevice and ledge communities of the steepest slopes beside the sea (Crithmo-Armerietalia, Géhu 1964) through to closed maritime grasslands on upper cliff slopes, cliff tops and cliff ledges where there is deeper accumulation of soils (Silenion maritimae, Malloch 1973). Further inland and on more sheltered cliffs, these grade into a complex assemblage of maritime and paramaritime types of heath, calcareous grassland, acid grassland, therophyte, tall herb, scrub and wind-pruned woodland vegetation, each enriched by floristic elements characteristic of coastal habitats. On soft coasts with much active movement, complex assemblages of maritime and non-maritime vegetation occur.

Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)

Quick facts

EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type (code 1230)
Habitat type Not priority
Natura 2000 sites 387 are designated for this habitat type


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Conservation status

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Good: A habitat is in a situation where it is prospering and with good prospects to do so in the future as well
Poor: A habitat is in a situation where a change in management or policy is required to return the habitat to favourable status but there is no danger of disappearance in the foreseeable future
Bad: A habitat is in serious danger of disappearing (at least regionally)
Unknown: The information available for the habitat type is scarce and does not allow a proper assessment of its conservation status

Species mentioned in habitat description

Ferns Asplenium marinum
Flowering Plants Brassica oleracea
Flowering Plants Cochlearia officinalis
Flowering Plants Crithmum maritimum
Flowering Plants Inula crithmoides
Flowering Plants Lavatera arborea
Flowering Plants Matricaria maritima
Flowering Plants Plantago maritima
Flowering Plants Rhodiola rosea
Flowering Plants Scilla verna
Flowering Plants Sedum anglicum
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Asplenium marinum Ferns
Brassica oleracea Flowering Plants
Cochlearia officinalis Flowering Plants
Crithmum maritimum Flowering Plants
Inula crithmoides Flowering Plants
Lavatera arborea Flowering Plants
Matricaria maritima Flowering Plants
Plantago maritima Flowering Plants
Rhodiola rosea Flowering Plants
Scilla verna Flowering Plants
Sedum anglicum Flowering Plants

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
DE1016392 Germany Dünen- und Heidelandschaften Nord- und Mittel-Sylt Map
DE1116391 Germany Küstenlandschaft Ost-Sylt Map
DE1123393 Germany Küstenbereiche Flensburger Förde von Flensburg bis Geltinger Birk Map
DE1315391 Germany Küsten- und Dünenlandschaften Amrums Map
DE1316301 Germany Godelniederung / Föhr Map
DE1326301 Germany NSG Schwansener See Map
DE1346301 Germany Steilküste und Blockgründe Wittow Map
DE1423394 Germany Schlei incl. Schleimünde und vorgelagerter Flachgründe Map
DE1446302 Germany Nordrügensche Boddenlandschaft Map
DE1447302 Germany Jasmund Map
DE1525331 Germany Hemmelmarker See Map
DE1526391 Germany Südküste der Eckernförder Bucht und vorgelagerte Flachgründe Map
DE1528391 Germany Küstenlandschaft Bottsand - Marzkamp u. vorgelagerte Flachgründe Map
DE1532391 Germany Küstenstreifen West- und Nordfehmarn Map
DE1533301 Germany Staberhuk Map
DE1541301 Germany Darß Map
DE1542302 Germany Recknitz-Ästuar und Halbinsel Zingst Map
DE1544302 Germany Westrügensche Boddenlandschaft mit Hiddensee Map
DE1547303 Germany Kleiner Jasmunder Bodden mit Halbinseln und Schmaler Heide Map
DE1631391 Germany Putlos Map
DE1631393 Germany Küstenlandschaft Nordseite der Wagrischen Halbinsel Map
DE1632392 Germany Küstenlandschaft vor Großenbrode und vorgelagerte Meeresbereiche Map
DE1640302 Germany Hohes Ufer zwischen Ahrenshoop und Wustrow Map
DE1647303 Germany Granitz Map
DE1648302 Germany Küstenlandschaft Südostrügen Map
DE1730326 Germany Tal der Kükelühner Mühlenau Map
DE1732381 Germany Rosenfelder Brök nördlich Dahme Map
DE1747301 Germany Greifswalder Bodden, Teile des Strelasundes und Nordspitze Usedom Map
DE1749301 Germany Greifswalder Oie Map
DE1813391 Germany Helgoland mit Helgoländer Felssockel Map
DE1830301 Germany NSG Neustädter Binnenwasser Map
DE1838301 Germany Stoltera bei Rostock Map
DE1930330 Germany Strandniederungen südlich Neustadt Map
DE1931301 Germany Ostseeküste am Brodtener Ufer Map
DE1931391 Germany Küstenlandschaft zwischen Pelzerhaken und Rettin Map
DE1934302 Germany Wismarbucht Map
DE2031301 Germany Küste Klützer Winkel und Ufer von Dassower See und Trave Map
DE2031303 Germany NSG Dummersdorfer Ufer Map
DE2049302 Germany Peeneunterlauf, Peenestrom, Achterwasser und Kleines Haff Map
DE2050303 Germany Ostusedomer Hügelland Map
DK003X203 Denmark Gilbjerg Hoved Map
DK003X209 Denmark Roskilde Fjord Map
DK004X334 Denmark Ryegård Dyrehave, Bramsnæs og Garveriskov Map
DK005X221 Denmark Sejerø Bugt og Saltbæk Vig Map
DK005X276 Denmark Røsnæs, Røsnæs Rev og Kalundborg Fjord Map
DK005Y229 Denmark Skælskør Fjord og havet og kysten mellem Agersø og Glænø Map
DK006X090 Denmark Klinteskoven Map
DK006X234 Denmark Havet og kysten mellem Karrebæk Fjord og Knudshoved Odde Map
DK006X238 Denmark Smålandsfarvandet nord for Lolland, Guldborg Sund, Bøtø Nor, Hyllekrog-Rødsand Map
DK006X242 Denmark Nakskov Fjord Map
DK006X261 Denmark Oreby skov Map
DK007X079 Denmark Ertholmene Map
DK007X243 Denmark Hammeren og Slotslyngen Map
DK007X245 Denmark Kystskrænter ved Arnager Bugt Map
DK007X298 Denmark Spællinge Ådal, Døndal og Helligdomsklipperne Map
DK007X311 Denmark Randkløve Skår Map
DK008X047 Denmark Lillebælt Map
DK008X075 Denmark Odense Fjord Map
DK008X183 Denmark Fyns Hoved, Lillegrund og Lillestrand Map
DK008X184 Denmark Æbelø, havet syd for og Nærå Map
DK008X185 Denmark Havet mellem Romsø og Hindsholm samt Romsø Map
DK008X186 Denmark Røjle Klint og Kasmose skov Map
DK008X192 Denmark Søer ved Tårup og Klintholm Map
DK008X197 Denmark Bøjden Nor Map
DK008X198 Denmark Maden på Helnæs og havet vest for Map
DK008X199 Denmark Vestlige del af Avernakø Map
DK008X201 Denmark Sydfynske Øhav Map
DK00BX167 Denmark Skove langs nordsiden af Vejle Fjord Map
DK00DX151 Denmark Begtrup Vig og kystområder ved Helgenæs Map
DK00DX155 Denmark Stavns Fjord, Samsø Østerflak og Nordby Hede Map
DK00DX263 Denmark Nordby Bakker Map
DK00DX300 Denmark Mols Bjerge med kystvande Map
DK00DX322 Denmark Kobberhage kystarealer Map
DK00DX325 Denmark Giber Å, Enemærket og Skåde Havbakker Map
DK00DY156 Denmark Horsens Fjord, havet øst for og Endelave Map
DK00EX135 Denmark Kås Hoved Map
DK00EX258 Denmark Mågerodde og Karby Odde Map
DK00EY124 Denmark Løgstør Bredning, Vejlerne og Bulbjerg Map
DK00EY133 Denmark Agger Tange, Nissum Bredning, Skibsted Fjord og Agerø Map
DK00EY134 Denmark Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord og Skals, Simested og Nørre Ådal, Skravad Bæk Map
DK00FX116 Denmark Rubjerg Knude og Lønstrup Klint Map
DK00FX121 Denmark Svinkløv Klitplantage og Grønne Strand Map
EE0010123 Estonia Türisalu Map
EE0010129 Estonia Pakri Map
EE0010132 Estonia Rannamõisa Map
EE0010140 Estonia Suurupi Map
EE0040002 Estonia Väinamere Map
EE0040201 Estonia Nõva-Osmussaare Map
EE0040412 Estonia Kahtla-Kübassaare Map
EE0040414 Estonia Karala-Pilguse Map
EE0040428 Estonia Koorunõmme Map
EE0040432 Estonia Küdema lahe Map
EE0040449 Estonia Ohessaare Map
EE0040457 Estonia Rannaniidi Map
EE0040462 Estonia Ruhnu Map
EE0040476 Estonia Tagamõisa Map
EE0040486 Estonia Väikese väina Map
EE0070109 Estonia Pangametsa Map
EE0070110 Estonia Udria Map
EE0070123 Estonia Päite Map
ES0000001 Spain Illas Cíes Map
ES0000085 Spain Ribadeo Map
ES0000086 Spain Ría de Ortigueira e Ladrido Map
ES0000087 Spain Complexo intermareal Umia - O Grove, A Lanzada, punta Carreirón e lagoa Bodeira Map
ES0000144 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasadarra / Ría de Urdaibai Map
ES0000176 Spain Costa da Morte (Norte) Map
ES0000197 Spain Acantilados del Monte Hacho Map
ES0000254 Spain Illa de Ons Map
ES0000258 Spain Costa de Ferrolterra - Valdoviño Map
ES0000313 Spain Complexo litoral de Corrubedo Map
ES0000317 Spain Penarronda-Barayo Map
ES0000318 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES0000319 Spain Ría de Ribadesella-Ría de Tinamayor Map
ES0000372 Spain Costa da Mariña occidental Map
ES0000373 Spain Ría de Foz Map
ES0000375 Spain Esteiro do Miño Map
ES1110001 Spain Ortigueira - Mera Map
ES1110002 Spain Costa Ártabra Map
ES1110005 Spain Costa da Morte Map
ES1110006 Spain Complexo húmido de Corrubedo Map
ES1110007 Spain Betanzos - Mandeo Map
ES1110008 Spain Carnota - Monte Pindo Map
ES1110009 Spain Costa de Dexo Map
ES1110010 Spain Estaca de Bares Map
ES1110011 Spain Esteiro do Tambre Map
ES1110012 Spain Monte e lagoa de Louro Map
ES1120002 Spain Río Eo Map
ES1120005 Spain As Catedrais Map
ES1120011 Spain Ría de Foz - Masma Map
ES1120013 Spain Río Ouro Map
ES1120017 Spain Costa da Mariña occidental Map
ES1140003 Spain A Ramallosa Map
ES1140004 Spain Complexo Ons - O Grove Map
ES1140007 Spain Baixo Miño Map
ES1140009 Spain Cabo Udra Map
ES1140010 Spain Costa da Vela Map
ES1140012 Spain Illas Estelas Map
ES1140016 Spain Enseada de San Simón Map
ES1200006 Spain Ría de Villaviciosa Map
ES1200016 Spain Ría del Eo Map
ES1200022 Spain Playa de Vega Map
ES1200047 Spain Yacimientos de Icnitas Map
ES1200055 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES1300003 Spain Rias occidentales y Duna de Oyambre Map
ES1300004 Spain Dunas de Liencres y Estuario del Pas Map
ES1300005 Spain Dunas del Puntal y Estuario del Miera Map
ES1300006 Spain Costa central y Ría de Ajo Map
ES1300007 Spain Marismas de Santoña, Victoria y Joyel Map
ES1300012 Spain Río Agüera Map
ES2120009 Spain Iñurritza Map
ES2120014 Spain Ulia Map
ES2120017 Spain Jaizkibel Map
ES2130005 Spain Gaztelugatxeko Doniene / San Juan de Gaztelugatxe Map
ES2130007 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasertzak eta padurak / Zonas litorales y marismas de Urdaibai Map
ES2130008 Spain Urdaibaiko artadi kantauriarrak / Encinares cantábricos de Urdaibai Map
ES6310001 Spain Calamocarro-Benzú Map
ES6310002 Spain Zona marítimo-terrestre del Monte Hacho Map
FI0100005 Finland Tammisaaren ja Hangon saariston ja Pohjanpitäjänlahden merensuojelualue Map
FI0100006 Finland Tulliniemen linnustonsuojelualue Map
FI0100017 Finland Inkoon saaristo Map
FI0100024 Finland Medvastö-Stormossen Map
FI0100026 Finland Kirkkonummen saaristo (SCI) Map
FI0100077 Finland Söderskärin ja Långörenin saaristo Map
FI0100078 Finland Pernajanlahtien ja Pernajan saariston merensuojelualue Map
FI0100101 Finland Österfjärden Map
FI0200033 Finland Kasalanjokisuu Map
FI0200038 Finland Aasla - Kramppi Map
FI0200046 Finland Houtskärin lehdot Map
FI0200047 Finland Iniön saaret Map
FI0200057 Finland Ruissalon lehdot Map
FI0200062 Finland Ölmos-Purunpää Map
FI0200064 Finland Seilin saaristo Map
FI0200065 Finland Pakinaisten saaristo Map
FI0200071 Finland Keistiön fladat Map
FI0200072 Finland Uudenkaupungin saaristo Map
FI0200073 Finland Rauman saaristo Map
FI0200074 Finland Luvian saaristo Map
FI0200075 Finland Gummandooran saaristo Map
FI0200076 Finland Pooskerin saaristo Map
FI0200077 Finland Ouran saaristo Map
FI0200090 Finland Saaristomeri Map
FI0200104 Finland Houtskarin pohjoiset saaret Map
FI0200105 Finland Houtskärin nummisaaret Map
FI0200112 Finland Langstet Map
FI0200146 Finland Lohm-Kulm-Ängö Map
FI0200172 Finland Katanpää Map
FI0200193 Finland Örö Map
FI0408001 Finland Itäisen Suomenlahden saaristo ja vedet Map
FI0800130 Finland Merenkurkun saaristo Map
FI0800132 Finland Luodon saaristo Map
FI0800133 Finland Uudenkaarlepyyn saaristo Map
FI0800134 Finland Kristiinankaupungin saaristo Map
FI0800135 Finland Närpiön saaristo Map
FI0800136 Finland Kokkolan saaristo (SCI) Map
FI0800160 Finland Ängesholmen Map
FI1000005 Finland Rahjan saaristo Map
FI1104202 Finland Rajalahti-Perilahti Map
FI1104203 Finland Sunin alue Map
FI1400011 Finland Länsmansgrund Map
FI1400016 Finland Fjärdskär - Harrgrund Map
FI1400019 Finland Bråttö Map
FI1400021 Finland Boxö Map
FI1400047 Finland Signilskär - Märket Map
FI1400092 Finland Kvarnsjöskogen Map
FI1400101 Finland Kantör Map
FR2200346 France Estuaires et littoral picards (baies de Somme et d'Authie) Map
FR2300139 France Littoral Cauchois Map
FR2500077 France Baie du Mont Saint-Michel Map
FR2500079 France Chausey Map
FR2500082 France Littoral ouest du Cotentin de Saint-Germain-sur-Ay au Rozel Map
FR2500084 France Récifs et landes de la Hague Map
FR2500085 France Récifs et marais arrière-littoraux du Cap Lévi à la Pointe de Saire Map
FR2500086 France Tatihou - Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue Map
FR3100477 France Falaises et pelouses du Cap Blanc Nez, du Mont d'Hubert, des Noires Mottes, du Fond de la Forge et du Mont de Couple Map
FR3100478 France Falaises du Cran aux Oeufs et du Cap Gris-Nez, Dunes du Chatelet, Marais de Tardinghen et Dunes de Wissant Map
FR3100479 France Falaises et dunes de Wimereux, estuaire de la Slack, Garennes et Communaux d'Ambleteuse-Audresselles Map
FR3100480 France Estuaire de la Canche, dunes picardes plaquées sur l'ancienne falaise, forêt d'Hardelot et falaise d'Equihen Map
FR5200627 France Marais salants de Guérande, traicts du Croisic et dunes de Pen-Bron Map
FR5200654 France Côtes rocheuses, dunes, landes et marais de l'île d'Yeu Map
FR5200655 France Dunes de la Sauzaie et marais du Jaunay Map
FR5200656 France Dunes, forêt et marais d'Olonne Map
FR5200657 France Marais de Talmont et zones littorales entre les Sables-d'Olonne et Jard-sur-Mer Map
FR5300008 France Rivière Leguer, forêts de Beffou, Coat an Noz et Coat an Hay Map
FR5300009 France Côte de Granit rose-Sept-Iles Map
FR5300010 France Tregor Goëlo Map
FR5300011 France Cap d'Erquy-Cap Fréhel Map
FR5300012 France Baie de Lancieux, Baie de l'Arguenon, Archipel de Saint Malo et Dinard Map
FR5300015 France Baie de Morlaix Map
FR5300016 France Anse de Goulven, dunes de Keremma Map
FR5300017 France Abers - Côte des légendes Map
FR5300018 France Ouessant-Molène Map
FR5300019 France Presqu'Ile de Crozon Map
FR5300020 France Cap Sizun Map
FR5300021 France Baie d'Audierne Map
FR5300023 France Archipel des Glénan Map
FR5300027 France Massif dunaire Gâvres-Quiberon et zones humides associées Map
FR5300028 France Ria d'Etel Map
FR5300029 France Golfe du Morbihan, côte ouest de Rhuys Map
FR5300030 France Rivière de Penerf, marais de Suscinio Map
FR5300031 France Ile de Groix Map
FR5300032 France Belle Ile en mer Map
FR5300033 France Iles Houat-Hoedic Map
FR5300034 France Estuaire de la Vilaine Map
FR5300043 France Guisseny Map
FR5300045 France Pointe de Corsen, Le Conquet Map
FR5300046 France Rade de Brest, estuaire de l'Aulne Map
FR5300048 France Marais de Mousterlin Map
FR5300049 France Dunes et côtes de Trévignon Map
FR5300052 France Côte de Cancale à Paramé Map
FR5300059 France Rivière Laïta, Pointe du Talud, étangs du Loc'h et de Lannenec Map
FR5300061 France Estuaire de la Rance Map
FR5300066 France Baie de Saint-Brieuc - Est Map
FR5302007 France Chaussée de Sein Map
FR5400429 France Marais de Rochefort Map
FR5400430 France Vallée de la Charente (basse vallée) Map
FR5400433 France Dunes et forêts littorales de l'ile d'Oléron Map
FR5400438 France Marais et falaises des côteaux de Gironde Map
FR7200714 France Zones humides de l'arrière dune des pays de Born et de Buch Map
FR7200775 France Domaine d'Abbadia et corniche basque Map
FR7200776 France Falaises de Saint-Jean-de-Luz à Biarritz Map
IE0000101 Ireland Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC Map
IE0000109 Ireland Three Castle Head to Mizen Head SAC Map
IE0000111 Ireland Aran Island (Donegal) Cliffs SAC Map
IE0000154 Ireland Inishtrahull SAC Map
IE0000189 Ireland Slieve League SAC Map
IE0000190 Ireland Slieve Tooey/Tormore Island/Loughros Beg Bay SAC Map
IE0000191 Ireland St. John's Point SAC Map
IE0000194 Ireland Tranarossan and Melmore Lough SAC Map
IE0000202 Ireland Howth Head SAC Map
IE0000204 Ireland Lambay Island SAC Map
IE0000212 Ireland Inishmaan Island SAC Map
IE0000213 Ireland Inishmore Island SAC Map
IE0000268 Ireland Galway Bay Complex SAC Map
IE0000343 Ireland Castlemaine Harbour SAC Map
IE0000375 Ireland Mount Brandon SAC Map
IE0000458 Ireland Killala Bay/Moy Estuary SAC Map
IE0000495 Ireland Duvillaun Islands SAC Map
IE0000500 Ireland Glenamoy Bog Complex SAC Map
IE0000665 Ireland Helvick Head SAC Map
IE0000707 Ireland Saltee Islands SAC Map
IE0000714 Ireland Bray Head SAC Map
IE0000764 Ireland Hook Head SAC Map
IE0001190 Ireland Sheephaven SAC Map
IE0001459 Ireland Clogher Head SAC Map
IE0001501 Ireland Erris Head SAC Map
IE0001955 Ireland Croaghaun/Slievemore SAC Map
IE0001975 Ireland Ballyhoorisky Point to Fanad Head SAC Map
IE0002012 Ireland North Inishowen Coast SAC Map
IE0002123 Ireland Ardmore Head SAC Map
IE0002158 Ireland Kenmare River SAC Map
IE0002165 Ireland Lower River Shannon SAC Map
IE0002172 Ireland Blasket Islands SAC Map
IE0002193 Ireland Ireland's Eye SAC Map
IE0002243 Ireland Clare Island Cliffs SAC Map
IE0002259 Ireland Tory Island Coast SAC Map
LTKLA0009 Lithuania Pajūrio kopos Map
LV0200300 Latvia Sliteres nacionalais parks Map
LV0508100 Latvia Ziemupe Map
LV0508600 Latvia Vidzemes akmenaina jurmala Map
LV0520300 Latvia Uzava Map
PLH220032 Poland Zatoka Pucka i Półwysep Helski Map
PLH220072 Poland Kaszubskie Klify Map
PLH220100 Poland Klify Poddębskie Map
PLH220105 Poland Klify i Rafy Kamienne Orłowa Map
PLH320017 Poland Trzebiatowsko-Kołobrzeski Pas Nadmorski Map
PLH320018 Poland Ujście Odry i Zalew Szczeciński Map
PLH320019 Poland Wolin i Uznam Map
PLH320059 Poland Jezioro Kopań Map
PTCON0006 Portugal Arquipélago da Berlenga Map
PTCON0017 Portugal Litoral Norte Map
PTZPE0001 Portugal Estuários dos Rios Minho e Coura Map
PTZPE0009 Portugal Ilhas Berlengas Map
SE0210019 Sweden Hållnäskusten Map
SE0210231 Sweden Kapplasse Map
SE0230055 Sweden Sankt Anna och Gryts skärgårdar Map
SE0230090 Sweden Bråviken yttre Map
SE0330106 Sweden Storö Map
SE0330127 Sweden Virbo med Ekö Map
SE0330163 Sweden Gränsö Map
SE0330179 Sweden Blå Jungfrun Map
SE0330186 Sweden Björkö Map
SE0330191 Sweden Trässö Map
SE0330272 Sweden Äleklintabrottet Map
SE0340025 Sweden Lilla Karlsö Map
SE0340090 Sweden Hall-Hangvar Map
SE0340120 Sweden Bästeträsk Map
SE0340121 Sweden Heligholmen Map
SE0340154 Sweden Asunden Map
SE0340208 Sweden Törrvesklint Map
SE0410088 Sweden Järnavik Map
SE0410097 Sweden Hallarum Map
SE0410114 Sweden Knösö Map
SE0420002 Sweden Hallands Väderö Map
SE0420129 Sweden Simris strandängar Map
SE0420134 Sweden Stenshuvud Map
SE0420206 Sweden Gladsaxhallar och Tobisviksheden Map
SE0420232 Sweden Bjärekusten Map
SE0430092 Sweden Kullaberg Map
SE0430099 Sweden Skäldervikens östra klippkust Map
SE0510026 Sweden Steninge-Stensjöstrand Map
SE0510039 Sweden Grimsholmen Map
SE0510048 Sweden Västra Getterön Map
SE0510050 Sweden Balgö Map
SE0510053 Sweden Årnäsudden Map
SE0510058 Sweden Kungsbackafjorden Map
SE0510062 Sweden Svängehallar-Fjärehals Map
SE0510064 Sweden Vallda Sandö Map
SE0510067 Sweden Särö Västerskog Map
SE0510081 Sweden Morups tånge Map
SE0510091 Sweden Vendelsö Map
SE0520001 Sweden Vrångöskärgården Map
SE0520012 Sweden Älgön-Brattön Map
SE0520020 Sweden Härmanö Map
SE0520025 Sweden Näverkärr Map
SE0520034 Sweden Stigfjorden Map
SE0520036 Sweden Sälöfjorden Map
SE0520037 Sweden Breviks kile-Toftenäs Map
SE0520038 Sweden Härön Map
SE0520042 Sweden Ramsvikslandet Map
SE0520043 Sweden Nordre älvs estuarium Map
SE0520048 Sweden Stenungsundskusten Map
SE0520126 Sweden Trossö-Kalvö-Lindö Map
SE0520133 Sweden Koster Map
SE0520150 Sweden Tanumskusten Map
SE0520170 Sweden Kosterfjorden-Väderöfjorden Map
SE0520171 Sweden Gullmarsfjorden Map
SE0520176 Sweden Pater Noster-skärgården Map
SE0520177 Sweden Jorefjorden Map
SE0520186 Sweden Musön Map
SE0520187 Sweden Tjurpannan Map
SE0630089 Sweden Hölick Map
SE0630139 Sweden Långvind Map
SE0710028 Sweden Smitingen-Härnöklubb Map
SE0710042 Sweden Högbonden Map
SE0710054 Sweden Skuleskogen Map
SE0710056 Sweden Trysunda Map
SE0710057 Sweden Balesudden Map
SE0710166 Sweden Del av Bremön Map
SE0710182 Sweden Stormyran på Ulvön Map
SE0810002 Sweden Bonden Map
SE0810003 Sweden Snöanskärgården Map
SE0810009 Sweden Strömbäck-Kont Map
SE0810010 Sweden Holmöarna Map
SE0810034 Sweden Bjuröklubb Map
SE0810456 Sweden Klubben-Rickleån Map
SE0820313 Sweden Båtöfjärden Map
SE0820314 Sweden Harufjärden Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Relation to habitat classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Matricaria maritima-Silene uniflora-typ not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) H8 Calluna vulgaris-Ulex gallii heath narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC3 Rhodiola rosea-Armeria maritima maritime cliff ledge community narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC9 Festuca rubra-Holcus lanatus maritime grassland narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC6 Atriplex hastata-Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima seabird cliff community narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) H6 Erica vagans-Ulex europaeus heath narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC10 Festuca rubra-Plantago spp. maritime grassland narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) H7 Calluna vulgaris-Scilla verna heath narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC11 Festuca rubra-Daucus carota ssp. gummifer maritime grassland narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC2 Armeria maritima-Ligusticum scoticum maritime rock crevice community narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC1 Crithmum maritimum-Spergularia rupicola maritime rock crevice narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC7 Stellaria media-Rumex acetosa seabird cliff community narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC12 Festuca rubra-Hyacinthoides non-scripta maritime grassland narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC4 Brassica oleracea maritime cliff ledge narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC8 Festuca rubra-Armeria maritima maritime grassland narrower
National Vegetation Classification (UK) MC5 Armeria maritima-Cerastium diffusum maritime therophyte community narrower
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100