Subalpine deciduous scrub

English name: Subalpine deciduous scrub

Description (English)

Subalpine scrubs of Alnus, Betula, Salix and Rosaceae (Amelanchier, Potentilla, Rubus, Sorbus), less than 5 m tall, often accompanied by tall herbs that in the absence of scrub would be classified as E5.5. Excludes dwarf Salix scrub (F2.1), which is composed of species that rarely exceed 1.5 m in height, and scrub on waterlogged soils (F9.2).

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code F2.3
Relation to Annex I habitat types (EU Habitats Directive)

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Name Definition Alternatives Reftext
Lonicero-Rhamnion falacis P. Fukarek 1969 Relic deciduous krummholz of supramontane to subalpine belts at timberline of maritime Northern Dinarides Schaminee et al, 2012
Salicion helveticae Rübel ex Theurillat in Theurillat et al. 1995 Silicicolous willow krummholz in subalpine belt of Alps Salicion arbusculae Rübel 1933 Schaminee et al, 2012
Alnion viridis Schnyder 1930 Subalpine green alder scrub on fertile soils of Alps and Balkans Alnion viridis Aichinger 1933; Alnion viridis Lakušic et al. 1975; Alnion viridis Lakušic et al. 1976; Alnion viridis Rameau in Rameau et al. 1993; Alnion viridis Rübel ex Huml et al. 1979; Betulo-Alnion viridis Gams 1936; Salicion lapponum-glaucae Gams 1936; Salicion lapponi-glaucosericeae Gams 1936 nom. mut. propos. (sensu Julve 1993); Betulo pubescentis ssp. carpaticae-Alnion alnobetulae Gams 1926 nom. mut. propos. (sensu Julve 1993) Schaminee et al, 2012
Salicion silesiacae Rejmánek et al. 1971 Willow scrub on fertile soils at high altitudes of Western Carpathians and Hercynicum Schaminee et al, 2012
Salicion pentandrae Br.-Bl. 1967 Calciphilous willow krummholz in subalpine belt of Alps Salicion pentandrae Br.-Bl. 1950; Salicion waldsteinianae Lakušic et al. 1979; Salicion waldsteinianae Oberd. 1978 Schaminee et al, 2012

Species mentioned in habitat description

Not available

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 31.6 Subalpine and oroboreal bush communities same
CORINE Land Cover 3.2.2. Moors and heathland n/a
Milieux Naturels de Suisse 1998 5.3.8 Saulaie buissonnante subalpine narrower
Milieux Naturels de Suisse 1998 5.3.9 Aulnaie verte narrower
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 5131000 Kriaciny s vrbou sliezkou n/a
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 F2.3 Subalpine deciduous scrub same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 F2.3 Subalpine deciduous scrub same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 F2.3 Subalpine and oroboreal bush communities same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 F2.3 Subalpine deciduous scrub same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 F1.1 Montane and subalpine scrub same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 F1.1 Montane and subarctic scrub same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 31.6 Subalpine bush communities same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 31.6 Subalpine bush communities same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 31.6   same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 31.6   same
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1991 31.6   same
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1989 31.6   same
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