Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds
Description (English)
Angiosperm-dominated stands of vegetation, occurring on the extreme upper shore of sheltered coasts and periodically covered by high tides. The vegetation develops on a variety of sandy and muddy sediment types and may have admixtures of coarser material. The character of the saltmarsh communities is affected by height up the shore, resulting in a zonation pattern related to the degree or frequency of immersion in seawater.
EUNIS habitat classification
Interpretation Manual of the habitats targeted by Resolution No. 4
Quick facts
EUNIS habitat type | code A2.5 |
Bern Convention | Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites) |
Relation to | Annex I habitat types (EU Habitats Directive) |
Legal status
Mentioned in the following international legal instruments and agreements
Relation to other habitat types mentioned in legal instruments
Vegetation types
Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)
Name | Definition | Alternatives | Reftext |
Scirpion maritimi Dahl et Hadac 1941 | Mesotrophic and eutrophic brackish swamp reeds of the European temperate coastal regions | Scirpion maritimi Dahl et Hadac 1941 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. 1980; Bolboschoenion maritimi Dahl et Hadac 1941 nom. mut. propos.; Bolboschoenion (hal.) Soó 1945 (orig. form); Bolboschoenion maritimi Soó 1947; Caricion paleaceae Dahl et Hadac 1941; Eco-Magnocaricion paleaceae Chapman 1954; Eco-Phragmition Chapman 1954 p.p.; Eleocharition uniglumis Siira 1970; Eleocharition uniglumis Tyler 1969; Halo-Scirpion (Dahl et Hadac 1941) Den Held et Westhoff 1975; Bolboschoenion compacti Dahl et Hadac 1941 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. 1980 nom. mut. propos.; Bolboschoenion maritimi continentale (Soó 1945) Borhidi 1970 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Puccinellio maritimae-Spergularion salinae Beeftink 1965 | Vegetation of grass-rich saline swards of supratidal habitats of European Atlantic coasts | Schaminee et al, 2012 | |
Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis Géhu et Rivas-Mart. ex Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1984 | Atlantic pioneer annual succulent communities of slikke of tidal mud-flats at lower tidal mark | Salicornion oliveri-procumbentis Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1982; Thero-Salicornion dolichostachyae (Tx. in Tx. et Oberd. 1958) Rivas-Mart. et al. 1998; Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis Géhu et Rivas-Mart.1982; Salicornion dolichostachyae Tx. 1974; Salicornion europaeae Schubert et al. 1995; Salicornion strictae Tx. in Tx. et Oberd. 1958; Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1982; Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis Géhu et Rivas-Mart. ex Géhu 1992 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Caricion glareosae Nordhagen 1954 | Boreo-arctic upper-marsh saline coastal swards of seaboards of Northern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans | Magnocaricion glareosae Shimwell 1973 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Arthrocnemion glauci Rivas-Mart. et Costa 1984 | Mediterranean hypersaline coastal supratidal succulent chenopod scrub on sandy and rocky soils | Sarcocornion alpini (Rivas-Mart. et al. 1990) S. Brullo et al. 2002; Halocnemion strobilacei Korzhenevsky et Klyukin in Korzhenevsky 2000; Arthrocnemion macrostachyi Rivas-Mart. et Costa 1984 nom. mut. propos.; Limonion orientale Oberd. 1952 nom. mut.; Staticion orientale Oberd. 1952; Halocnemion strobilacei Korzhenevsky et Klyukin 1990 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Spartinion glabrae Conard 1935 | Pioneer vegetation of perennial cord grasses on intertidal mud and sand | Eco-Spartinion Chapman 1959; Spartinion anglicae Géhu in Bardat et al. 2004; Spartinion maritimae Beeftink et Géhu 1973; Spartinion maritimae Conard 1935 corr. Beeftink et al. in Géhu et Beeftink 1973 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Thero-Salicornion Br.-Bl. 1933 | Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic pioneer annual succulent communities of tidal flats and irregularly flooded inland depressions | Salicornion Chapman 1959; Salicornion emerici Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1984; Salicornion patulae Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1984; Salicornion patulo-emerici Rivas-Mart. 1984; Salicornion strictae Tx. 1974; Suaedion Chapman 1959; Suaedion splendentis Julve 1993; Thero-Salicornion (Br.-Bl. 1933 ) Tx. 1954; Thero-Salicornion ?opa 1939; Thero-Salicornion Br.-Bl. 1931 (sensu ?opa 1939); Thero-Suaedion Br.-Bl. 1931; Thero-Suaedion Br.-Bl. ex Br.-Bl. et al. 1952 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Salicornion fruticosae Br.-Bl. 1933 | Mediterranean and thermo-atlantic intertidal succulent dwarf chenopod scub | Puccinellio maritimae-Halimionion portulacoidis Géhu et Biondi 1995; Salicornion fruticosae Br.-Bl. ex Br.-Bl. et al. 1952; Eco-Fruti-Salicornion Chapman 1954; Halimionion portulacoidis Géhu 1976; Halo-Puccinellion Pignatti 1952; Halo-Puccinellion Pignatti 1953; Salicornion fruticosae Br.-Bl. 1931; Sarcocornion perennis S. Brullo et Furnari 1988; Arthrocnemion perennis (Rivas-Mart. in Rivas-Mart. et al. 1980) Golub et al. 2001; Sarcocornion fruticosae Br.-Bl. 1933 nom. mut. propos.; Arthrocnemion fruticosi Br.-Bl. 1931 corr. O. de Bolòs 1967 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Limoniastrion monopetali Pignatti 1952 | Saline scrub of supratidal non-inundated sandy habitats of western North Africa and Western and Central Mediterranean | Frankenion thymifoliae Barbagallo et al. 1990; Limoniastrion monopetali Pignatti 1953; Limonion ferulacei (Pignatti 1952) Beeftink 1968 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Festucion maritimae Christiansen 1927 | Vegetation of grass-rich saline swards at low tidal mark of European Atlantic coasts | Puccinellio maritimae-Halimionion portulacoidis Géhu et Biondi 1995; Puccinellion maritimae Christiansen 1927 nom. mut. propos.; Eco-Festucion maritimae Chapman 1959; Eco-Puccinellion Chapman 1959 p.p.; Glauco-Caricion dilutae Golub et Solomakha 1988; Halimionion Chapman 1959; Puccinellion maritimae Tx. 1937; Puccinellion retroflexae Iversen 1936; Puccinellio maritimae-Salicornion herbaceae Br.-Bl. et De Leeuw 1936; Puccinellio maritimae-Halimionion portulacoidis Géhu 1994 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Plantaginion crassifoliae Br.-Bl. ex Br.-Bl. et al. 1952 | Western Tyrrhenian and Provencal saline swards of margins of lagoons and damp dune-slacks | Plantaginion crassifoliae Br.-Bl. 1931; Schoenion ferruginei Rivas Goday 1945 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Salicornion ramosissimae Tx. 1974 | Atlantic pioneer annual succulent communities of schorre tidal mud-flats at upper tidal mark | Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1984; Salicornion ramosissimae Tx. ex W. Matuszkiewicz 1981; Salicornion ramosissimae Tx. ex Rivas-Mart. et al. 1980 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Frankenio laevis-Armerion maritimae Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1975 | Vegetation of upper tidal coastal nutrient-rich sandy flats of cantabro-atlantic regions of Iberia and southern France | Limonio ovalifolii-Frankenion laevis Rivas-Mart. et al. 2001; Limonio ovalifolii-Frankenion laevis Arbesú et al. in Rivas-Mart. et al. 2002 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Puccinellion phryganodis Hadac 1946 | Boreo-arctic lower-marsh saline coastal swards of seaboards of Northern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans | Boreo-Puccinellion Pignatti 1953; Eco-Puccinellion Chapman 1959 p.p.; Juncion atrofuscae Golub et al. 2003; Puccinellion phryganodis Nordhagen 1954; Triglochino maritimi-Fucion vesiculosae Golub et al. 2003 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Suaedion brevifoliae Br.-Bl. et O. de Bolòs 1958 | Mediterranean-Cantabro-atlantic sub-nitrophilous supratidal succulent chenopod scrub on loamy-sandy soils | Suaedion braun-blanqueti Br.-Bl. et O. de Bolòs 1958 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. 1991; Suaedion verae (Rivas-Mart. et al. 1990) Rivas-Mart. et al.1999; Atriplici halimi-Suaedion verae Julve 1993; Suaedion verae S. Brullo et Furnari 1988; Sarcocornion alpini (Rivas-Mart. et al. 1991) Brullo et al. 2002 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Juncion maritimi Br.-Bl. ex Horvatic 1934 | Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic coastal saline rush marsh vegetation under prolonged flooding regime | Limonio gmelinii-Juncion maritimi Golub et Solomakha 1988; Apio-Juncion maritimi Pop 1962; Eco-Juncion maritimi Chapman 1954; Glauco-Juncion maritimi Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1984; Inulion crithmoidis S. Brullo et Furnari 1988; Juncion maritimi Br.-Bl. 1931; Juncion maritimi Br.-Bl. ex Br.-Bl. et al. 1952; Juncion maritimi Chapman 1959; Tetragonolobion siliquosi Pignatti 1953; Apio-Juncion maritimi Rivas Goday et Rivas-Mart. 1963; Glauco-Juncion maritimi Géhu et Géhu-Franck in Géhu 2007; Puccinellion festuciformis Géhu et Scoppola in Géhu et al. 1984 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Armerion maritimae Br.-Bl. et De Leeuw 1936 | Vegetation of grass- and chamaephyte-rich saline swards at high tidal mark of Atlantic seaboards of Europe | Festucion littoralis Corillion 1953 corr. Géhu 1976; Eco-Armerion Chapman 1959; Eleocharition uniglumis Krisch 1990; Festucion arenariae Corillion 1953; Junco-Caricion Corillion 1953 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Dupontion fischeri Hadac 1946 | Arctic subsaline coastal peaty meadows on clayey soils of Svalbard and Greenland | Caricion stantis Elvebakk 2002 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Species mentioned in habitat description
Other classifications
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 | 15 | Saltmarshes, salt steppes, salt scrubs | wider |
CORINE Land Cover | 4.2.1. | Salt marshes | n/a |
Marine Habitat Classification Britain/Ireland 0405 | LS.LMp.Sm | Saltmarsh | narrower |
Ramsar Wetland Types | H | Intertidal marshes | wider |
Phase 1 habitat classification (UK) 1993 | H2 | Saltmarsh | narrower |
Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Habitats (UK) | 32 | Coastal saltmarsh | narrower |
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 | A2.5 | Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 | A2.6 | Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 | A2.6 | Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 | A2.6 | Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 | A2.6 | Coastal saltmarshes and saline habitats | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 | B3 | Coastal saltmarshes and halophytic habitats | same |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 | 15 | Saltmarshes, salt steppes, salt scrubs | wider |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 | 15 | Saltmarshes, salt steppes, salt scrubs | wider |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 | 15 | wider | |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 | 15 | wider | |
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1991 | 15 | wider | |
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1989 | 15.1 | wider | |
MNCR BioMar 97.06 (Britain & Ireland) | LMU.Sm | Saltmarsh | same |