EUNIS habitat type hierarchical view (marine version 2022 & terrestrial version 2021)
The EUNIS habitat classification review is on-going. Four groups are pending review: Inland waters, Wetlands, Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats and Complexes.-
M : Marine benthic habitats (MA-MG)
MH : Pelagic water column
MJ : Ice-associated marine habitats
N : Coastal habitats
R : Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens
R1 : Dry grasslands
R11 : Pannonian and Pontic sandy steppe
R12 : Cryptogam- and annual-dominated vegetation on siliceous rock outcrops
R13 : Cryptogam- and annual-dominated vegetation on calcareous and ultramafic rock outcrops
R14 : Perennial rocky grassland of the Italian Peninsula
R15 : Continental dry rocky steppic grassland and dwarf scrub on chalk outcrops
R16 : Perennial rocky grassland of Central and South-Eastern Europe
R17 : Heavy-metal dry grassland of the Balkans
R18 : Perennial rocky calcareous grassland of subatlantic-submediterranean Europe
R19 : Dry steppic submediterranean pasture of the Amphi-Adriatic region
R1A : Semi-dry perennial calcareous grassland (meadow steppe)
R1B : Continental dry grassland (true steppe)
R1C : Desert steppe
R1D : Mediterranean closely grazed dry grassland
R1E : Mediterranean tall perennial dry grassland
R1F : Mediterranean annual-rich dry grassland
R1G : Iberian oromediterranean siliceous dry grassland
R1H : Iberian oromediterranean basiphilous dry grassland
R1J : Cyrno-Sardean oromediterranean siliceous dry grassland
R1K : Balkan and Anatolian oromediterranean dry grassland
R1L : Madeiran oromediterranean siliceous dry grassland
R1M : Lowland to montane, dry to mesic grassland usually dominated by Nardus stricta
R1N : Open Iberian supramediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland
R1P : Oceanic to subcontinental inland sand grassland on dry acid and neutral soils
R1Q : Inland sanddrift and dune with siliceous grassland
R1R : Mediterranean to Atlantic open, dry, acid and neutral grassland
R1S : Heavy-metal grassland in Western and Central Europe
R1T : Azorean open, dry, acid to neutral grassland